Our People
Our clinical data management team comprises experienced data managers and database designers with a deep understanding of sponsor, site, and statistician requirements. Excellent planning and proven SOPs enable us to provide accurate, actionable data while meeting aggressive timelines. ClinChoice offers flexibility in meeting evolving data management requirements, with seamless implementation into systems and processes.

Integrated Design Capabilities
As part of the data management team, the database design group seamlessly collaborates with data managers, statistical programmers, and biostatisticians to deliver clinical database design solutions in a variety of areas, including:
- Clinical database design
- EDC/ePRO/IxRS configuration
- Custom report creation
- Site and user administration
- EDC/IxRS user helpdesk

Platforms & Systems
Our clinical data management team has extensive hands-on experience with several data management systems. We’ve worked on many data management and EDC platforms; as a result, we’re able to offer the flexibility that our clients desire and require.